Donald Trump Plans First 100 Days in Office - ABC News


Transcript for Donald Trump Plans First 100 Days in Office

Okay, we are going to move on and get the latest on president-elect trump. Transition in full swing at trump tower. Last night he released a YouTube video. David Wright reports from trump tower. Good morning. Reporter: This videotaped message outlining an agenda for the first 100 days steers clear of some of the most controversial campaign proposals. Trump focused on things he can do immediately by executive order and this is really the first time we've heard extensively from the president-elect since election night. Our transition team is working very smoothly, efficiently and effectively truly great and talented men and women patriots, indeed, are being brought in and many will soon be a part of our government. Reporter: A short restrained speech talking directly to the American people. I want the next generation of production and innovation to happen right here on our great homeland. America. Reporter: Trump promises to renegotiate trade deals, ease restrictions on energy production, crack down on immigration abuses and impose a lobbying ban for all workers in the executive branch. I will provide more updates in the coming days as we work together to make America great again for everyone and I mean everyone. Reporter: Revolving door meetings continue including formal rivals now looking for jobs. Among them former governor Rick Perry of Texas who was sharply critical of trump during the primaries. Donald Trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and must be diagnosed, excised and discarded. Reporter: He was recently voted off "Dancing with the stars" now hoping for a cabinet post and trump met with Hawaii congresswoman Gabbert. This movement of love and compassion is bigger than any one of us. Reporter: Not the Republican convention but the democratic one talking about Bernie Sanders. The 35-year-old Progressive now considering coming over to trump. I think there's a recognition that there is a big country out there with lots of voters that feel disaffected from their party, the Democrats. Reporter: Sorry. Sorry. As for the campaign message, what's striking here is what trump leaves out. He's not talking about repealing Obamacare or locking Hillary Clinton up. He's focused here on what -- on

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