Donald Trump claims Hamilton cast HARASSED VP-elect Mike Pence and demands they apologize after audience booed him during show


Donald Trump is not happy Vice president-elect Mike Pence wasn't welcomed with open arms by Broadway on Friday night.

Trump demanded that the cast of Hamilton apologize to Pence after they directly addressed him at the end of the show with a statement about their fears.

The president-elect, who took to Twitter on Saturday morning to complain, claimed the cast had 'harassed' Pence. 

President-elect Donald Trump demanded that the cast of Hamilton apologize to the Vice president-elect after they stopped the show to address him directly about their fears

'Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing,' Trump wrote. 'This should not happen!' 

'The Theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!' 

The Hamilton cast began their address, which was delivered by actor Brandon Dixon, by thanking Pence for coming to the show.

Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr in the show, even told the audience there was 'nothing to boo here' and that the cast was 'sharing a story of love'. 

'Vice president-elect Pence we welcome you and truly thank you for joining us here,' Dixon said onstage.

Dixon then told Pence that the cast was a reflection of the Americans who were worried about their future following the presidential election. 

'We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,' he said. 

'But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our Americans values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.' 

'We truly thank you for sharing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds, and orientations.'   

Dixon was quick to defend the cast on Saturday morning, directly replying to Trump's tweets.

'Conversation is not harassment sir,' Dixon wrote. 'And I appreciate Mike Pence for stopping to listen.'  

Mike Pence was booed while taking in the award-winning show, Hamilton, in New York on Friday

Dixon was quick to defend the cast on Saturday morning, directly replying to Trump's tweets

Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, who helped write the statement to Pence, also tweeted his support for the cast and Dixon

Pence was on his way out of the theater as Dixon spoke, and the actor pleaded for the Vice-president elect to listen to their message. 

'I see you walking out but I hope you will hear us,' Dixon said before he began.

A representative for the show later revealed that Pence stood in the hallway outside and heard the full statement. 

It was written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the show's creator, director Tommy Kail, producer Jeffrey Seller and the cast after they heard Pence was coming.

Pence was loudly booed throughout the show by audience members, the jeers sometimes so strong that the show had to be stopped repeatedly. 

The booing was most likely linked to Pence's anti-LGBT stances throughout his political career, as well as Trump's election victory this month. 

One audience member said that the cast had to repeatedly stop singing the number 'You'll Be Back (Reprise)' because the crowd jeered Pence on every line.

'Fully stopped the song for a minute while people lost their s**t,' the audience member tweeted. 'Never seen anything like it.'

'I'm at #Hamilton and so is Mike Pence. Crowd booed him like crazy,' another wrote. 

'Crowd went NUTS at King George's lines "when people say they hate you" & "do you know how hard it is to lead?" He had to stop the song.' 

Two audience members tweeted about Pence being booed by the crowd during a specific point in one of the songs

'Vice-president-elect Pence we welcome you and truly thank you for joining us here,' Brandon Dixon said on-stage in a message to Pence

Vice President-elect Mike Pence waves as he leaves the Richard Rodgers Theatre after a performance of Hamilton on Friday night

And just when Pence thought his embarrassment was over, he emerged from the theater to find a group of angry protesters shouting in the New York street.

Hundreds of demonstrators were seen outside chanting: 'F*** Mike Pence.' 

He then said Hamilton is a ‘wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men, women, of different colors, creed, and orientation. 

Tickets to Hamilton, which racked up 11 Tony Awards earlier this year, are notoriously difficult for the average citizen to get their hands on. 

Re-sale market StubHub lists the cheapest ticket for Saturday night's show at a staggering $835. It is unclear how Pence secured a ticket.

Pence (pictured leaving the theater) was booed throughout the show by those in the audience

Police remove protesters from the streets after they shouted at Vice President-elect Mike Pence while he was leaving the Richard Rodgers Theatre after a performance of Hamilton

Some on social media defended Pence after the booing, while others poked fun at him


Pence has been strongly anti-LGBT during his career as a politician, including when he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law in 2015.

Some of his other controversial moments include:

Opposing the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Pence was against removing the policy from the military, and in an interview he said the armed forces was not the place to experiment with change.

'There's no higher priority for the national government than to provide for the common defense. We ought not to use the American military as a backdrop for social experimentation or debating domestic policy issues,' he said. 'The focus ought to be on readiness, it ought to be on recruitment, it ought to be on retention, unite cohesion.'

Rejected Obama's directive on transgender bathrooms in schools

Pence spoke out against the decision from Obama's White House, saying the government had no business getting involved in such matters.

'Policies regarding the security and privacy of students in our schools should be in the hands of Hoosier parents and local schools, not bureaucrats in Washington, DC,' he said. 'The federal government has no business getting involved in issues of this nature.' 

Pence votes against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007

The vice-president-elect hit back against the law, which would have outlawed discrimination based on sexuality in the workplace, by saying it 'waged war on freedom of religion in the workplace'.

The bid failed in the house in 2013.

Claims that gay couples were signs of 'societal collapse'

Pence took aim at marriage equality in a 2006 speech, claiming that allowing gay people to get married could be the downfall of society.

'Societal collapse was always brought about following an advent of the deterioration of marriage and family,' he said, before adding that denying marriage equality was not discrimination, but rather 'God's idea'.

Advocating for 'Conversion Therapy' for LGBT people

Pence successfully ran for Congress for the first time in 2000. 

His campaign website included a section titled, 'Strengthening the American Family', in which he said federal funds should be steered towards the controversial method.

'Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior,' Pence wrote on the website.

He also wrote: 'Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage. Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual’s (sic) as a 'discreet (sic) and insular minority' entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities.'

Pence's motorcade was seen outside the Richard Rodgers Theater on Broadway shortly before 8pm, and he made it to his seat about 10 minutes later.  

'At #Hamilton. Mike Pence is here and the entire theater just booed him,' a theater-goer tweeted.

A video posted online showed Pence walking to his seat as security guards followed behind.

An aide said Pence attended the show with his daughter Charlotte as well as his nieces and nephews, according to ABC News.  

The crowd could be heard booing, however there were also some cheers for the Indiana Governor.

Pence waved to the crowd as he walked into the theater in New York, however he was booed by the audience

Pence appeared to be holding a playbill in his hand as he walked into the New York theater

The VP-elect also came under fire for attending the show on social media.

'Apparently, Mike Pence saw Hamilton tonight. The GOP is truly taking everything from me,' one person wrote.

'I'm delighted by Pence getting booed at #Hamilton, considering how much of Broadway he wants to subject to electroshock conversion therapy,' Suleikha Snyder said.

'Reminder that the current star of Hamilton is the incomparable Javier Muñoz, an openly gay, openly HIV-positive actor. Pay attention, Pence,' Marc Snetiker wrote.

Pence took his seat inside the theater shortly after 8pm, the time the evening show starts 

Pence was criticized for seeing the show on social media, with some pointing to his anti-LGBT stances as the reason why he should not watch it

Hacker group Anonymous also tweeted: 'Hey NYC... Mike Pence is watching Hamilton RIGHT NOW. How bout a nice crowd outside to tell him he's not welcome? #NotMyPresident.'

But some leaped to the defense of Pence.

'Pence is a good man. Not nice,' one person tweeted.

'Respect for the office - or themselves. Do we always have to show our vile hate everywhere?' another wrote.

'How ridiculous. What is wrong with people?' another added. 

Others on social media defended Pence from the barrage of criticism he was receiving for seeing the show

Pence has been strongly anti-LGBT during his career as a politician, including when he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law in 2015. 

The bill was widely slammed by critics, with some saying it legalized discrimination against LGBT people. 

He also opposed the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell', he has been accused of advocating 'conversion therapy', and in a 2006 speech said 'societal collapse was always brought about following an advent of the deterioration of marriage and family'.

President Barack Obama speaks during a Democratic fundraiser following a special performance of the Broadway show 'Hamilton' at the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York, November 2, 2015

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Lin Lanuel Miranda pose backstage with the cast at the hit musical 'Hamilton' on Broadway at The Richard Rogers Theater on July 2, 2016 in New York City

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was also booed when he went to see the play in September, and one heckler shouted, 'Free Palestine'.

President Barack Obama saw the play last year, and was welcomed backstage by the cast after the performance.

Michelle Obama, along with Sasha and Malia, and Pence's predecessor, Joe Biden, have also caught the Broadway box office smash.

Hillary Clinton also saw the show, and its creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, helped organize a fundraiser for her during the campaign.

