Tech-fair visitor is injured after a robot designed to teach CHILDREN 'loses control' and smashes a booth in China


A visitor to a Chinese tech fair was injured yesterday after a robot suddenly went out of control and smashed a booth, according to Chinese media.

The three-foot-tall droid, which has been launched recently, is designed by a Chinese company to teach children English and is popular among families.

The victim sustained cuts in the ankle caused by shattered glass and was taken to the hospital by staff at the booth. 

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A robot has caused a scene at a Chinese tech fair after it smashed glass, leaving one injured 

 The 3ft tall robot was pictured after it smashed a glass wall at its booth in Shenzhen yesterday

The incident took place at the China Hi-Tech Fair held in Shenzhen, southern China, on November, 17, according to a reported on, an affiliation to the People's Daily.

The robot, which has been named 'Little Chubby' by Beijing-based developer Evolver, is programmed to teach English as well as general knowledge to children aged between four and 12. 

The incident was first reported by users of Wechat, a popular social media app in China.

According to Shenzhen Evening News, a witness wrote in a post: 'The Force Awakens! I saw the "Little Chubby" at the neighboring booth smashing the glass wall without any human commands, wounding a passerby.' 

One of the three accompanying photos showed the white droid, which had allegedly caused a scene.

Another photo showed the tech show's staff cleaning up the broken glass left on the ground.

A third photo showed the injured visitor being carried on a stretcher.

According to an official Weibo post from the Shenzhen city government, the victim's ankle was cut by the broken glass.

The man was later taken to the hospital and received to stitches, said the statement.

The news was quickly shared by Chinese media on their online platforms. 

The incident was reported to be the first case in China that a robot had injured a human by various Chinese media, including CCTV News, Sina and Global Times. 

'Little Chubby' is programmed to teach English as well as general knowledge to children

Evolver, the developer and manufacturer of 'Little Chubby', issued a statement on November 18 through its social media account on Weibo. 

The firm said in the statement that the robot had been showcasing its ability to project at the booth.


A promotional video of 'Little Chubby' shows the robot can check the English pronunciation of primary school pupils.

The machine is said to carry an American accent.

In addition, the robot can:

  • Translate the basic vocabulary of English
  • Answer the questions asked by the children from a pre-installed encyclopedia
  • Hold conversations with the children in English and Mandarin
  • Be used as a surveillance camera to monitor the children 
  • Purify air and check pollution levels 

A member of staff pressed a button on 'Little Chubby' by mistake, causing it to reverse instead of moving forward. 

The robot was designed to detect and avoid obstacles automatically, but the function was turned off at the time. 

This led the machine to go out of control as it sped forward for as long as 10 seconds and smashed into a glass wall. 

Launched in September and targeted at families with young children, 'Little Chubby' is sold at two prices depending on the functions: 9,988 yuan(£1,176) for a basic version and 12,988 yuan(£1,529) for an advanced version.

So far, over 3,000 of these droids have been sold across China, according to the company's statement.

Marketed as 'a professional tutor' and 'child's playmate', the robot can be used at home to assist children aged between four and 12 in learning English and general knowledge. 

Over 3,000 of these droids have been sold across China since its launch in September

The robot can be used at home to assist children aged between four and 12 in learning

The incident has attracted thousands of comments on Weibo, a social media platform in China.

Some expressed concerns on whether or not it was suitable to use 'Little Chubby' to accompany their children while others poked fun at the machine.

One person asked: 'What would happen if a family member press the wrong button?'

Another one wondered: 'Tailored for children aged four to 12 years old? Will it give children physical punishment?' 

While one user said: 'Primary school children wouldn't win the fight with the robot.'

A fourth one joked: 'Hawking's prediction on the rise of robots is becoming true.'

A screenshot from its website shows 'Little Chubby' is sold at 9,988 yuan (£1,176)

The robot's functions include telling stories, answering questions and holding conversations

