Chinese Tech Giants' New Bet: Bike Sharing - Wall Street Journal


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... I ... as has long been a problem sixteen states he is like a change ... while seventy Nissan two years are hoping to turn that into a new business ... like sharing ... ay ay ay ay ay ... ay ... they all look like a tool of the major players competing to convince Chinese consumers to cycle he said ... together the two companies have a fleet of hundreds of thousands of fight in Beijing and Shanghai ... and on my bike rentals in those cities ... you can use their smartphones operate them ... it's hard to ... keep the yellow fights some of us are second hand ... users can QR code and so the bike license plate number ... and then they receive that those victims who have blocked the attacks friends ... with the deposit of fifty dollars I love the charges of seventy cents an hour ... while buying which has orange colored by his focus is on the white collar crowd ... I have higher quality wheels and fifty GPS enabled technology ... this is conducting air strikes on their smartphones ... in part from anywhere ... the departure from the bite is forty four dollars for an hourly rate of up to thirty cents ... then throughout all of ... the one hundred from them ... the father neither company ... attracting investment from venture capitalists and she's had ... they're eager to look for the next harvest ... well it's getting investment from the Chinese car hailing company D C she she and channeled in the Chinese smartphone maker ... but if investors conclusively capital intact ... it's the city's ... better and better ... enable Reem to expand further ... people have to walk longer distances from the lyrics of a fetus and get that finished ... his imprint on the power to cuts goes on about it all for your interest at heart they are but a lot of difference in the pot ... is a lady on Amazon ... now for doing Griesa about it ... today that although God the ... citizens voted out into the all the kids out of the yet the Lord to those of the team at the end I how to get hawkish show how would I can from them ... place balls and challenges ... users say the high tech features that just because you ... don't always work ... the bikes as such ... places are due to settle overlap ... in their working to improve that ... well for some people ... riding bikes to work or school has become a daily reads ... don't go to my own studio ... oil ... the author and analysts said ... and they don't know ... it's a ... good article path ...

