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Punchlines: Vines, Jesus memes and Apple. The latest tech news
The end of Vine and a surge in memes. The latest technology news from the late-night comics. Take a look at our favorite jokes, then vote for yours at opinion.usatoday.com.
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The end of Vine and a surge in memes. The latest technology news from the late-night comics. Take a look at our favorite jokes, then vote for yours at opinion.usatoday.com.
USA TODAY Opinion_Eileen Rivers
As one visual technology experiences a surge in popularity, a once-popular six-second video app is starting to wither on the, well, vine.
Memes have now become more popular than Jesus — searching for them has anyway. People have started looking for those pithy photo messages more than information about the religious figure, according to reports on Google trends. WWJD about this loss in popularity? Seth Meyers shows us in today's Punchlines, above. Hint: If you can't beat them, join them.
And Twitter recently announced that it's closing down Vine, a video app that the company bought for $30 million just four years ago. So what's going to happen to all those Vine stars, some of whom made millions off of their six-second video fame? Trevor Noah has one theory, and it's pretty brief.
And Jimmy Kimmel fills us in on some tough Apple technology.
After you watch our favorite jokes in this Friday technology roundup of Punchlines, vote for yours in the quick poll to the right. Watching from your smartphone or tablet? Then visit opinion.usatoday.com to cast your ballot.
Follow Eileen Rivers @msdc14.
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