Donald Trump blew perhaps his last chance to win the election. The debates have called his bluff


But when the subject comes back to Trump himself… his candidacy folds like a bad hand in a Las Vegas casino. It was all bluff. The debates have revealed it. He has probably done enough to hold conservatives to the ticket – abortions and guns might keep Utah, Arizona and Texas in his column.

But every reminder of his joking about grabbing women tears away women voters, while his remarks about Muslims and refugees lose him minority support. And all the media will talk about for the next few days is his refusal to commit to accepting the election result. A stupid, stupid own goal.

You want a measure of Trump’s candidacy? Look at who he took to the debate. In the audience sat Scott Baio, who played Chachi in Happy Days, Sarah Palin and Malik Obama – the President’s half-brother who is backing the Republican ticket. Mr Obama opposes gay marriage.

Yet he is personally polygamous, claim some journalists, and is thought to have anything between three and twelve wives. This election is a crime scene. It needs to be roped off and the public told there’s no longer anything to see.

